Tuesday, 3 April 2012

My first day of "retirement" was lovely and made me stop and think "hmmmmm this IS why I stopped working".

It started with some pottering around whilst Aidan had breakfast, I did some washing up and then put on a couple of loads of laundry. When he has finished we sat and watched one of his favourite programmes together before going upstairs to tackle the folding and putting away. He `helped' me by sorting which clothes were his and which were mine or Daddy's. After we did some drawing, it was supposed to be Easter printing but I realised I didn't have any spring colour paints, and then I carried on with a few more chores whilst he had an apple for snack.

After dinner we walked into the Town, a 10-15 minute walk, and we bought a huge bag of bananas for £1 and a bag of mixed seedless grapes for 70p. We popped to The Early Learning Centre and I was really pleased to find they have a sale on so for £5 we managed to get a huge bottle of yellow paint and one of pink, 4 finger paint pots in primary colours, a huge bucket of jumbo chalks for drawing in the garden and 4 paint brushes of different sizes. Whilst in Town we also popped into the Library, I didn't get much of a chance to browse but Aidan was delighted to find a "Timmy Time" book and also a "Thomas the Tank engine" one. I fear he may not have fully grasped the concept of a Library though as he was most upset when I told him we could bring them back next week to swap them for others "No Mummy they are my books I not bring them back"!!!

By the time little legs had walked back from Town they were flagging a little so once home we sat and ate a Pink Strawberry bun each then both had a nap! That's right BOTH had a nap, it felt quite decadent to have a snooze in the Afternoon! Once I woke up I left him to sleep on whilst I did a few more chores and started getting Tea ready, its amazing how the smell of sausages cooking woke somebody up!

After picking up Daddy from work, making a few Avon delivery's, bedtime bath and then having our tea I was ready for bed myself. Whoever thinks this Stay at Home Mum lark is easy really needs to do it for a day or 2! Today will be quieter as Aidan has gone to Nursery this Morning and this Afternoon we will be visiting my Mum and Dad, I guess I really should get on with some jobs around the house but the lure of the Internet got me first!

Have a great day all x x


  1. Sounds like a perfect day :) I hope you get the books back to the library lol.

  2. Hmmm it is a bit of a concern isn't it! I think I might do well to return them earlier and then take him back to choose more as I can't imagine a toddler meltdown would be very well received in a library! :-)

  3. Sounds lovely and like you guys got to spend quality time together. Not saying it is easy, but it is good fun and sounds rewarding.


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