Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Half Way!

Today I am officially in my 20th week of Pregnancy half way through, well actually more than half since I will probably be having a C-Section so Pea will arrive a little earlier.
I had my Anomaly scan and I am Thankful to say that everything is growing and working like it should, the Sonographer was great and clearly explained Peas little heart working and brain measurements.

The pictures we got are a little odd, not your normal ones for sure!

Relaxing with its feet touching its nose!!! And you can see a cute little ear :-)

This ones a bit scary, but you can see its eyes, nose and jaw really clearly

We decided we didn't want to find out Peas sex, most people find this odd but to us it was just really strange to think that it would have its name and identity before it was here! In truth it would be really useful to know if I need to buy all new or get the boys things down from the loft but all of Aidan's early hand me downs were neutral colours anyway so the excitement can build :-)


  1. I agree with you for not finding out your baby's sex, it makes it more exciting I think :)

    1. Most people seem to think I am nuts for not finding out so I am glad you agree its more exciting :-)

  2. How exciting:) We didn't find out the sex of our babies and it was such a lovely surprise when they arrived. I had a feeling they would be boys and they were:)

    1. I thought Aidan was a boy and of course he was, this one I originally thought was a girl but not sure now. Pregnancy seems quite different to with him but that could just be different hormones rather than different sex!

  3. I didn't find out with my girls. J and I didn't want to know, but we found that friends and acquaintances did! In the end we got so sick of people asking if we knew what we were having we used to reply ' Yes, a baby!'

    1. I get sick of people asking if I know what it is so I have started to reply that I am fairly sure its a puppy!

  4. I do a lot of pregnancy massage and a lot of my clients choose not to find out the sex, think a lot more people are leaning that way now. Tell them it's the fashion, as it certainly seems to be for my clients!

    Really glad it's all going well and little pea is nice and healthy and evidently flexible:-)


Thank you so much for your comments, I love to read them :-)