So here we are at the end of 2013,
This has been a hectic year, I have felt overwhelmed for much of it, drowning in day to day life.
It's not a nice feeling.
Christmas even was not particularly enjoyable, rushed and stressful trying to make sure everything was done and pleasing guests ageing from 1 - 86 and everything in between is hard work I tell you! I have felt that I have not pleased anyone this year, not even myself. The children received some lovely gifts but the actual quantities were obscene, they were both overwhelmed by the quantity of presents and in the end it became almost a chore to be opening more gifts. I do realise this sounds awful and ungrateful and of course we are not, in actual fact its quite the opposite as I feel the Children, particularly Aidan, did not get to truly appreciate the gifts that friends and family had worked hard to pay for and spent time choosing for them.
With all this in mind I have decided to try and give "experience's" rather than STUFF as my gifts for people this year. Hopefully using Groupon and other deal sites I can provide my Family and Friends with an enjoyable day out rather that another item to be put in a cupboard or on a shelf. I have started already by purchasing my Uncle a meal for 2 at a little Italian Restaurant and my cousin a day paint balling with 5 friends. Total for both gifts has been £25 so no more than I would have spent on STUFF.
In 2014 I hope to simplify life a bit, possibly even dare I say it be a little more selfish, by doing things that suit me and my immediate Family of 4 and not always doing what everyone else wants US to do. I want to try and cut down on our clutter, I want the Children to appreciate things more and probably this will be achieved by things not being so readily available to them. I want treats to be treats and not a given.
To end this post I am going to leave you with an updated photo of the 4 of us, the 4 that matter most to me.
I wish you all a stress free 2014, well OK stress FREE isn't going to
happen, so as stress free as possible is probably a better phrase!