11 days into 2014 and so far I am feeling much more accomplished and on top of things.
Whilst having a bit of an internet surf I discovered a fantastic site called The Confident Mom which is full of great ideas and tips to help you to be "a calm, cool, confident Family Manager".
Whilst having a bit of an internet surf I discovered a fantastic site called The Confident Mom which is full of great ideas and tips to help you to be "a calm, cool, confident Family Manager".
I downloaded her FREE Weekly Household planner and I am so, so glad I did! It is absolutely fantastic. 2 versions are available, a blank one for you to fill in your own schedule or one pre-filled with Daily tasks.
I am a "tell me what to do" sort of person with these things so downloaded the pre-filled version and have been completing each task daily. So far in 2 weeks I have managed to do lots of little jobs I had been putting off, for example our Kitchen drawers were a nightmare, stuff was everywhere and nothing could be found. Wednesdays task this week was to Organise 3 Kitchen Drawers, perfect! As I had read ahead on the planner I actually did 1 drawer at a time rather than all in one go, this meant I only needed to set a side a few minutes rather than a huge chunk of time, job done!
Amongst other daily tasks here is a list of what I have achieved in 2 weeks using the planner and doing a few tasks each day:
2 cars washed
Coat Cupboard tidied and organised
Disinfected Hair brushes
Organised 3 Kitchen Drawers
Meal Planned weekly
Flipped all mattresses
Finished Thank you notes
Packed away Christmas decorations
Cleaned out freezer
Uploaded and organised Christmas photos
Cleaned Toaster
Cleaned Microwave
Organised pantry shelf
Dusted and hoovered living area x2
Dusted and hoovered Bedrooms x2
Cleaned cooker hood
Cleaned refridgerator shelves
Cleaned Bathroom x 4
Changed all beds x2
Now I don't know about you but I know for a FACT I would not have achieved half of that without this planner.So far I cannot recommend it enough and I actually think I can stick to this schedule as it takes such a little amount of time each day.
And just a reminder the planner is FREE!!
It can be downloaded here